Brisbane property styling
Property Styling

When to Start Thinking about Property Styling for your Brisbane Property?

There’s a certain art to getting your home ready for sale. Some people are happy to just make sure things are tidy and try their luck. Others will hire property styling professionals to get their home looking as appealing as possible to buyers. This is called property styling, or property staging. We’re experts here at Refresh Property Styling, and we know what works to give your home an edge over the rest of the market.

But the question we’re often asked is when do you need to start property styling. Well, we’re glad you asked! Read on to find out when you should start considering property styling for your home.

What is Property Styling?
Property styling is the process of dressing your home up to showcase it in its best light for sale. It can involve a whole range of things depending on the type of house, but also the target audience. It can include, but isn’t limited to; replacing old furniture with sleek, modern designs, minor repairs, painting, replacing window furnishings, and generally all aspects of interior design.

The idea is to let potential buyers see the absolute best of your home. Rather than showing them how you live there, it’s about letting them see how they would live there.

Every home is different, and that’s why people seek out professional home stylists with an eye for detail. Not only does it make your home stand out from the crowd, it can also leader to a higher sale price. Research shows that 85% of styled homes sell for 6-25% more than un-styled homes.

Start Property Styling Now!
So, you know why you should consider property styling, but when do you start doing it? The fact is, the only bad time is when your property is already on the market. But even then, it’s never too late.

As soon as you decide to put your home on the market, that’s the time to start considering property styling. If you’re hiring a professional team, it’s as simple as booking an appointment. But there’s plenty of things you can do yourself before that in order to get ready.

One major part of property styling is removing clutter. So, before you even contact a property stylist, why not have a big clean out and garage sale. Get rid of anything you no longer need, and that will make it easier when property styling begins.

You can also get ahead of the game a bit by starting to tidy things up yourself, particularly when it comes to outdoor areas and gardens. You should pay particular attention to the front yard and entry to the home.

Another thing you can do before property styling is minor repairs. You may have some cosmetic issues to fix up – scuffed skirting boards, missing tiles – and these should all be fixed up. Before your home goes on the market, you should fix anything that could catch a buyer’s eye.

Picture-Perfect Property Styling Brisbane
The main reason you need to start property styling before listing your home is photography. The majority of buyers out there are doing online research before contacting agents for a viewing. It’s not like the old days where people search the real estate guide and only see one picture of your home. Now, it’s all done online and you need photos of all rooms in the home because people want more information before committing to a viewing.

For this reason, get your property styled before those listing photos are taken. Remember, the online listing is what will attract most of your potential buyers, so make sure your photos shine with some expert property styling.

Beautiful Homes with Refresh Property Styling Brisbane
If you’re considering seeling your home, there’s never a bad time to think about property styling. Professionally styled homes stand out from the rest of the crowded market. They can also sell for a higher price than non-styled homes. For an affordable price, Refresh Property Styling can make your home beautiful and appealing to your target audience. Get in touch today and see how we deliver the best house styling Brisbane has to offer!

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